Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Submission" designed to be continued: there is no Bell wind chimes, lamp had no feet ... ...

From the Guangzhou Academy of fine arts class of 2011, "Liu Zhihao" contributors, "designed to be continued" is a conceptual design of a set of his works, made up of three very interesting design, take a look at: iPad solar charger

1, no Bell wind chimes only one clip, wanted it to sound, you need to choose one thing, caught in the trap. If you want a little bit Zen, you can clip on a branch if missing, belongs to her stuff can be clipped when the wind came, it began to swing, make your own voice.

2, this design is only one clip and a light bulb, "shades," you need to collect, wants anything caught in the glow above, of course, is your preference. You can pick up a piece of paper, according to your thoughts, transform a different shade shapes, you can also choose different materials and create a different atmosphere. solar charger for iPhone 5S

3, lamp has no feet, only two clips, usually just leaning against the wall. If it is on your desktop, we must look for "feet", caught in the trap. Can a tree branch, the pen, can be an ice cream stick, you make the choice, you became one of the architects of, leave the table lamp has a unique personality.

Designer: bulk products is the same one? Does not have its own personality? This series of works is the redesign of the daily necessities, and way of thinking. By set designer, participation in user behavior to make products using step by step in the process of becoming a full, vivid and full of possibilities. Real interaction with you emotionally, and random thoughts to you simple to play, so it also has a unique feature.

Do you like Liu Zhihao students design? Please leave yo ~

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